January 3, 2025

How to Create Healthy Habits that Last 

Do you set new year’s resolutions but struggle to keep them? Or do you have good intentions but never quite manage to put them into practice? Here we’ve shared some simple research-backed principles to help you create healthy habits that last.

Create a Link 

A powerful but simple way to adopt a healthy habit is to add it to an existing routine. So, for example, if you already take a shower each morning but want to try dry skin brushing or cold water therapy then you could leave your dry skin brush next to your favourite Bath & Shower Gel or turn the water to cold for the last couple of minutes of your shower. Want to start taking supplements but often forget? Why not leave them next to your toothbrush or beside a glass of water by your bed to rehydrate you when you first wake up.

1% Better

Take inspiration from the British Cycling Team’s focus on small incremental gains rather than big leaps. So rather than deciding you are going to eat 7 or 8 different vegetables and fruit each day from day one, start by adding a piece of fruit to your breakfast and then build up. Or rather than embarking on an ambitious gym routine, think though how you can add more small snatches of exercise to your day – walk around while you take a phone call, get off the bus one stop early or take the stairs rather than the lift or escalator.

Make It Easy and Pleasurable

One of the reasons we spend so much time on our phones is that it’s so easy and compelling. So think about how you can apply the same principles to things you want to do more of. Have your gym kit laid out and ready to go, light your favourite Noble Isle candle while you journal, set calendar alerts as reminders. In the same way, you can make unhealthy habits more difficult to follow – remove apps or move the apps around on your phone to interrupt your muscle memory or stop buying the snacks you find it hard to resist. 

Do It Together

It can also help to make changes with someone else – you could make a weekly date to catch up with a friend while going for a walk rather than sitting down for coffee or agree a number of alcohol-free days with your partner. 

If At First You Don’t Succeed

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, if you miss one day then don’t give up. Each day you remember to move more, eat one more nourishing meal or take time to look after your wellbeing counts. But don’t forget that it’s also important to maintain a sense of balance. Click here to discover simple rituals to include more mindfulness into your new year.


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